Full Name
Phone Number
Estimated FICO Score
Primary Housing: Do you rent, own, or live rent-free? Explain below.
Number of Properties Owned
Number of Properties Financed
How did you hear about us?
Property Address (FULL address please)
Property Type Single Family ResidenceCondominiumTownhome2-4 UnitsMulti-Family 5+ UnitsManufactured or Modular HomeOther
Specify number of units, if applicable:
Loan Purpose PurchaseRefinance
Purchase Price (if purchase) or Estimated Property Value (if refinance)
If "Refinance", do you need cash out? How much and for what purpose?
Annual Property Tax Amount
Annual Insurance Premium Amount
Is there an HOA? If yes, provide amount of dues and frequency (monthly, annually, etc).
Current Market Rent Amount(s)
Date Purchased (if refinancing) or Closing Date (if purchasing)
Current Payoff Amount (if refinancing)
Is this property owned by an LLC? YesNo
Please explain LLC structure. Is this LLC nested/owned by another entity or LLC? How many members?